
1. 리액트 네이티브(React Native) SDK

2. PHP Website

  • Since your customer will most likely use a modern browser, JS SDK should work.

3. iOS swift Support


  • TalkPlus REST API should only be called from your backend services since it requires the use of API key. Please take care not to expose your API key.

5. Date and Time

  • Date time fields such as createdAt, updatedAt shows unix timestamps in milliseconds. You can safely convert unix timestamps to an appropriate date time object.

6. ID / Name Character Limits

  • User ID:

    • Max length: 68

    • Allowed characters: a-zA-Z0-9_

    • Need to be URL safe

  • User Name:

    • Max length: 128

  • Channel ID:

    • Max length: 68

    • Need to be URL safe

  • Channel Name:

    • Max length: 1024

  • Channel Category / Subcategory:

    • Max length: 32

    • Channel Name: 1024

7. User Session

  • Session expires 6 months after creation.

8. Realtime Events

  • To process events in background mode, you need to register callbacks, and you may also need to configure push notification settings in the TalkPlus dashboard to receive FCM data messages.

Last updated