Block / Unblock

1. Get Blocked Users

You can view blocked users.

The list is paginated, so to get to the next page, you can pass the last TPUser from the previous list to get to the next page.

[[TalkPlus sharedInstance] getBlockedUsers:lastUser 
    success:^(NSArray<TPUser *> *tpUsers, BOOL hasNext) {
    // SUCCESS
    for (TPUser * tpUser in tpUsers) {
        // find out when user was blocked
        long blockedAt = [[tpUser get:@"blockedAt"] longValue];
} failure:^(int errorCode, NSError *error) {
    // FAILURE

2. Block / Unblock User

You can block or unblock users.

// block
[[TalkPlus sharedInstance] blockUser:userId success:^{
    // SUCCESS
} failure:^(int errorCode, NSError *error) {
    // FAILURE

// Unblock
[[TalkPlus sharedInstance] unblockUser:userId success:^{
    // SUCCESS
} failure:^(int errorCode, NSError *error) {
    // FAILURE

Please refer to the following limitations:

Whether I can add someone whom I’ve blocked to a channel that I own


Whether someone whom I’ve blocked can join a channel that I own


Whether someone whom I’ve blocked can be added as a member to a channel that I am a member of


Whether someone whom I’ve blocked can join a channel that I am a member of


Whether I can be added as a member to a channel that is owned by someone I’ve blocked


Whether I can join a channel that is owned by someone I’ve blocked


Whether I can be added as a member to a channel where someone I’ve blocked is a member of


Whether I can join a channel where someone I’ve blocked is a member of


Last updated