
If you need translation feature, see below.

Message translation feature is provided through Google Cloud Translation. To use this feature, register an appropriate Google Cloud Service Account Key on our dashboard.

  • Setting translationLanguage property in TPMessageRetrievalParams object with language code (ISO-639) retrieves message with its translated text.

  • Setting translationLanguage property in TPMessageSendParams with language code (ISO-639) when sending message will automatically translate the message text.

  • Supported languages (ISO-639) can be found here.

  • Calling 'getTranslatedText' on TPMessage object will return a Key-Value map. Translated text(value) can be accessed from the map by using language code (used in 'translationLanguage(s)' parameter) as key.

  • Translation feature is available starting from TalkPlus Flutter SDK v0.5.3.

1. Get Messages

Messages are sorted by most recent (default).

Setting translationLanguage property in TPMessageRetrievalParams object will return TPMessage objects with translated texts via success block (success closure).

  • Use this to translate channel messages from the past.

  • For realtime message translation, see this.

  • TPMessageRetrievalParams class is available starting from TalkPlus Flutter SDK v0.5.3.

// get channel messages
final messageParams = TPMessageRetrievalParams(channel: channel)
..lastMessage = lastMessage
..translationLanguage = translationLanguage;
await TalkPlusAPI.getTPMessages(messageParams, (tpMessages, hasNext) {
    TPMessage last = tpMessages.last;
}, errorCallback: (errorCode, errorMessage){


2. View Messages With File Upload

View messages with file attachment.

Messages are sorted by most recent (default).

Setting translationLanguage property in TPMessageRetrievalParams object will return TPMessage objects with translated texts via success block (success closure).

  • Use this to translate channel messages from the past.

  • For realtime message translation, see this.

  • TPMessageRetrievalParams class is available starting from TalkPlus Flutter SDK v0.5.3.

// get channel messages
final messageParams = TPMessageRetrievalParams(channel: channel)
..lastMessage = lastMessage
..orderBy = TPMessageOrderBy.TPOrderByLatest
..translationLanguage = translationLanguage;
await TalkPlusAPI.getTPFileMessages(messageParams, (tpMessages, hasNext) {
    TPMessage last = tpMessages.last;
}, errorCallback: (errorCode, errorMessage){


3. Send Message

The following message types are supported: text, hidden, custom.

  • Push notification is not sent for hidden message type.

  • admin, admin_hidden message type can only be sent from TalkPlus dashboard or by calling REST API.

  • If you have users you want to mention, you can pass an array of user IDs in the mentions field.

  • You can enter up to 10 key-value pairs in data field. The maximum size of key is 128 characters and the maximum size of value is 1024 characters. Both key and value must be strings.

  • Both message text and data cannot be empty when sending a message.

  • The maximum size of message text is 8192 characters.

  • The maximum file upload size is 15MB.

    • If you need to handle files bigger than 15MB, see this.

Setting translationLanguages property in TPMessageSendParams object will return TPMessage objects with translated texts via ''success block (success closure). Message recipient will be able to check the message via "onMessageReceived" callback event.

  • TPMessageSendParams class is available starting from Flutter SDK v0.5.3.

final sendMessageParams = 
    TPMessageSendParams(contentType: TPMessageContentType.TPMessageContentText,
    messageType: TPMessageType.TPMessageText,
    channel: channel)
  ..textMessage = textMessage
  ..mentionUserIDs = mentionUserIDs
  ..parentMessageId = parentMessageId
  ..metaData = metaData
  ..fileUrl = fileUrl
  ..translationLanguages = translationLanguages;
// 메시지 발송
TPMessage? message = await TalkPlusAPI.sendTPMessage(
  errorCallback: (errorCode, errorMessage){}

4. Get Message

View a single message.

// get a single channel message
final messageParams = TPMessageRetrievalParams(channel: channel)
..messageId = messageId
..translationLanguage = translationLanguage;

await TalkPlusAPI.getTPMessage(params, (tpMessage) {

}, errorCallback: (errorCode, errorMessage){


5. Reply To Message

Reply to another message.

final sendMessageParams = 
    TPMessageSendParams(contentType: TPMessageContentType.TPMessageContentText,
    messageType: TPMessageType.TPMessageText,
    channel: channel)
  ..textMessage = "hello"
  ..parentMessageId = "anotherMessageIdThatIamReplyingTo"
  ..translationLanguages = translationLanguages;
// 메시지 발송
TPMessage? message = await TalkPlusAPI.sendTPMessage(
  errorCallback: (errorCode, errorMessage){}

6. Mark As Read

You can mark a channel as read.

TPChannel? channel = await TalkPlusAPI.markAsReadChannel(
    errorCallback: (errorCode, errorMessage){}

7. React To Message

You can add/remove reaction to a message.

  • reaction must be alphanumeric and between 1 and 64 characters long.

  • Each message can have up to 10 reaction types.

  • Each reaction type can contain up to 100 user IDs.

// add reaction
TPMessage? newMessage = await TalkPlusAPI.addMessageReaction(
    errorCallback: (errorCode, errorMessage){}

// remove reaction
TPMessage? newMessage = await TalkPlusAPI.removeMessageReaction(
    errorCallback: (errorCode, errorMessage){}

// see reactions in message object
    "happy": [
    "sad": [

8. Get Unread Message Count

You can find out how many channel members have not read a particular message.


9. Delete Message

You can delete your own message.

await TalkPlusAPI.deleteMessage(
    errorCallback: (errorCode, errorMessage){}

Last updated