You can then call processFirebaseCloudMessagingData function to handle push notifications, as shown below.
When app is running in the foreground, callback is automatically handled by an already registered ChannelListener.
When app is in the background, app is currently not running and may not have a callback already registered. In that case, you can register an anonymous callback to handle events as shown below:
(processFirebaseCloudMessagingData function accepts boolean value for its last parameter forceCallback. You must set forceCallback to true to receive callbacks from FCM, regardless of whether you are already receiving callbacks from the realtime connection.)
class Application extends StatefulWidget {
State<StatefulWidget> createState() => _Application();
class _Application extends State<Application> {
// It is assumed that all messages contain a data field with the key 'type'
Future<void> setupInteractedMessage() async {
// Get any messages which caused the application to open from
// a terminated state.
RemoteMessage? initialMessage =
await FirebaseMessaging.instance.getInitialMessage();
// If the message also contains a data property with a "type" of "chat",
// navigate to a chat screen
if (initialMessage != null) {
// Also handle any interaction when the app is in the background via a
// Stream listener
void _handleMessage(RemoteMessage message) {
if ("talkplus")) {
// channelId, title, body 정보가 필요한 경우 아래와 같이 사용합니다.
// var msg = convert.jsonDecode(['talkplus'])
// String channelId = talkplus.getString("channelId");
// String messageId = talkplus.getString("messageId"); // available only for message event
// String title = talkplus.getString("title");
// String body = talkplus.getString("body");
await TalkPlusAPI.processFirebaseCloudMessagingData(, onetimeListener, forceCallback);
void initState() {
// Run code required to handle interacted messages in an async function
// as initState() must not be async
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Text("...");
In order to have complete control of FCM push notification both in foreground and background, you need to receive FCM data type push notification and handle it via onMessageReceived. To enable this feature, you need to make sure the following settings are in place in dashboard:
Enable push notification
Disable push notification for Android (this allows only data type FCM notifications for Android)